About me

I am an Artificial Intelligence researcher at the Research Centre in Intelligent Technologies (CiTIUS), currently working on object detection and image classification using computer vision and deep learning techniques.

I received my PhD in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence from the University of Santiago de Compostela in 2020. My research was centered in safe motion planning and autonomous navigation for mobile robots and UAVs. I have also been with the Human Machine Interaction (HMI) group at the University of Twente, working on socially aware motion planning.


Here is a summary of my resume and what I have been working on in the last years. If you are curious about my research activities, they are detailed in this other page.

Education & Formation

  • 2012–2020: PhD in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence.
  • 2010–2011: MSc in Information Technologies Research.
  • 2006–2010: BSc in Computer Science.


  • 2020–: Associated researcher at CiTIUS-USC.
  • 2009–2019: Predoctoral researcher at CiTIUS-USC, collaborating in different projects in the areas of robotics, scheduling and optimization.
  • 2009: Junior developer at Altia Consultores, developing JavaScript-based dynamic forms.

Complementary courses

  • Jul 2014: Multivariate Analysis, CiTIUS, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
  • Jun 2014: euRathlon/ARCAS Workshop and Summer School on Field Robotics, Center for Advanced Aerospace Technologies (CATEC), Seville, Spain.
  • Nov 2013: Doctoral Seminar in Application and Transference of Computational Intelligence (SEMATICA 2013), ATICA Research Network, Madrid, Spain.
  • May 2013: Statistical methods oriented to the study of parametric and non-parametric methods, CiTIUS, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
  • Sep 2011: Doctoral Seminar in Applications and Transference of Computational Intelligence (SEMATICA 2011), ATICA Research Network, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

 Open-source projects

  • HIPSTER4J: An Open Source Java Library for Heuristic Search. (View on GitHub)
  • JOCTOMAP: Java/Android wrapper for the Octomap library. (View on GitHub)
  • SPATIAL-UTILS: Spatial and geometric utils in cartesian coordinate systems. (View on Github)

Additional information

  • Certificated in Advanced English (Cambridge CAE), C2 level.
  • Amateur photographer.